
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Room 19 Westbrook @Learners19

1.    What school do you go to?
We go to the most amazing school (one of them) in Rotorua…Westbrook School.

2.    What is something special about your school?
We have the Westbrook Way which is special to us as it includes the values Initiative, Whanaungatanga, Responsibility, Respect and Excellence. We also have access to the beautiful marae at the Harvest Centre near our school. We also have a class blog HERE

3.    What is something you have enjoyed learning about this year?
We have enjoyed celebrating International Pi day (On the March 13 although it was meant to be the 14th). We studied circles, fractions and had pizza for lunch. We have also made balsawood gliders and we have had overnight stays at a marae and at school.

4.    What do you most like about living in Rotorua?
 Geysers, boiling mud and all of the different cultures that live here.

5.    What do you most like doing on your computers/iPads/devices at school to help your learning?
Room 19 enjoys using Chromebooks and using the TKI site to access the learning database to support our class work. We like to use gmail to interact with each other and use Google Docs.

6.    Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself, your learning, your class or your school?

At Westbrook we have lots of sports that stduents can participate in and clubs like chess, knitting, Kapa Haka and we have student s leading sporting activities at lunch times.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see all the things Mr Tytler did for Pi day. It sounds like you had fun.

    We use laptops at our school instaed of Chrome Books. Do you like the Chrome Books? Do you use Google Drive a lot? What would you say to other schools who are thinking of choosing Chrome Books?
