
Thursday 23 October 2014

Room 19 Westbrook School

Room 19 is a composite class of Year 5 and 6 students. We integrate a range of of technology in our learning each day and use SOLO Taxonomy.

1.What school do you go to?
Westbrook Primary School

2.           What is something special about your school?
   Our school has lots of opportunities for the students.
    The Westbrook Way is really special to our school because all the kids follow it and respect it. It also teaches us good values to use all the way through your life.

3.           What is something you have enjoyed learning about this year?
This year I have enjoyed learning about Space because we got to learn things about Space I didn’t know.
A trip to our Museum.

This year our class has had a term three topic about space and our class has enjoyed learning about it because there were so many things to learn about it as well.

4.           What do you like most about living in Rotorua?
That Rotorua has lots of nature for us to enjoy. Most of the people in Rotorua are friendly so I feel safe. That it has mud pools. It also has lots of parks to go to.

5.           What do you most like doing on your computer/ Ipads/ devices at school?
playing learning games such as tanks (a maths game) etc.
playing tanks on the computer to do angles and degrees

6.Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself, your learning, your class or your school?

We always try to be the best us that we can be. We always follow the Westbrook Way. Our values are important to us and they are: Respect, Responsibility, Initiative, Excellence and Whanaungatanga

1 comment:

  1. I like the Westbrook Way and I'd love to find out more about how you promote it in your school. Rotorua is such an interesting place to live, I agree. Well done Room 19. It's great to hear that you are folk who always strive to be the best you can be. Tino pai!
